An awesome exhibition recreating our solar system will arrive in Cambridge this summer. The 10km sculpture trail aptly named Our Place in Space , will run along the length of the River Cam from the city to Waterbeach.

The exciting installation will feature an epic scale model of the solar system designed by artist and children’s author Oliver Jeffers with support from leading astrophysicist Professor Stephen Smartt.

Publisher: CambridgeshireLive
Date: 2022-06-18T11:54:19Z
Author: Niamh Dann
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Astronomers Unveil The Most Detailed Map of The Metal Asteroid Psyche Yet

If you wanted to do a forensic study of the Solar System, you might head for the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter . That’s where you can find ancient rocks from the Solar System’s early days.

Space scientists sometimes refer to asteroids – and their meteorite fragments that fall to Earth – as time capsules because of the evidence they hold.

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: EVAN GOUGH Universe Today
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Do Solar Panels Save Money? Yes. Here’s How – CNET

With just a few pieces of information and a little math, we’ll show you how to estimate the payback period on your solar panels and find out when they’ll start saving you money.

A payback period is the amount of time it takes to earn back your initial investment. Solar panels can help you save enough money on energy bills over time to offset the upfront costs.

Publisher: CNET
Author: Sean Jackson
Twitter: @CNET
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Sun Is Being Weird. It Could Be Because We’re Looking at It All Wrong

So far, almost every day in 2022 it has erupted in flares and coronal mass ejections, some of which were the most powerful eruptions our star is capable of.

By itself, an erupting Sun is not weird. It erupts regularly as it goes through periods of high and low activity, in cycles that last roughly 11 years.

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: Michelle Starr
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

NASA shares Hubble view of Jupiter’s auroras 100 times more energetic than those on Earth

If the habitability of planets in our solar system is ruled out, auroras remain one characteristic that can be found on many planets; all they need is a blanket of magnetosphere around them.

Recently, NASA shared a visual captured by the Hubble telescope wherein the auroras were seen glowing over the north pole of Jupiter.

Publisher: Republic World
Date: 2022-06-19T22:35:00 05:30
Author: Republic World
Twitter: @republic
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Water discovered on the Moon by Chang'e 5 lunar lander

Cosmos » Space » Water discovered on the Moon by Chang’e 5 lunar lander

Finding water on the Moon is crucial not only for providing support for future human lunar inhabitation, but understanding the evolution of the solar system itself.

China’s Lunar Exploration Program lander Chang’e 5 has delivered the first real-time confirmation of water on the Moon. This is in the form of hydroxyl (OH), a minor but important constituent of water besides H 2 O; and like smoke is to fire, OH is proof of water.

Publisher: Cosmos
Date: 2022-06-19T10:00:00 09:30
Twitter: @CosmosMagazine
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Borrego completes 96-MW solar + storage portfolio in two states

Borrego announced it has completed construction on 15 solar + storage projects in Massachusetts and New York for AES Corporation.

The solar + storage systems range in size from 1.6 MW to 12 MW (solar) and 1.7 MWh to 17 MWh (storage).

The projects are among Borrego’s first DC-coupled solar + storage installations. The DC-coupling technology enables the solar arrays to generate up to 30% additional annual energy output for the same interconnection cost as they would have without storage.

Publisher: Solar Power World
Date: 2022-06-16T13:12:59 00:00
Author: https www facebook com SolarPowerWorld
Twitter: @SolarPowerWorld
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

To Infinity and Beyond: NASA Collaborates on New Lightyear Film | NASA

Publisher: NASA
Date: 2022-06-17T17:03-04:00
Twitter: @NASA
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

NASA, Partner Establish New Research Group for Mars Sample Return Program – Parabolic Arc

Sixteen scientists from the U.S., Europe, Canada, and Japan have been chosen to help future samples from the Red Planet achieve their full potential.

WASHINGTON (NASA PR) — NASA and ESA (European Space Agency), its partner in the Mars Sample Return Program, have established a new group of researchers to maximize the scientific potential of Mars rock and sediment samples that would be returned to Earth for in-depth analysis.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em? Dominion Energy begins selling residential solar – Virginia Mercury

Dominion Energy never used to be happy about customers producing their own energy from solar. “Hostile” is more the word that springs to mind.

But Virginia has long allowed net metering, and in 2020 our General Assembly came down firmly on the side of customers by expanding opportunities for onsite solar. Consumers responded with the enthusiasm legislators hoped for.

Publisher: Virginia Mercury
Date: 2022-06-17T04:10:21 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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