New tactile sensor helps robots handle delicate objects

Melexis announced Tactaxis, a fully integrated tactile sensor. The company said the sensor can provide robots with a sense of touch.

The Tactaxis sensor has multiple 3D magnetometer pixels that use the company’s Triaxis technology. It has a magnet embedded in an elastomer material. This combination gives the robot a soft feel, like human skin, and high sensitivity to small amounts of force.

Publisher: The Robot Report
Date: 2022-02-09T21:15:21 00:00
Twitter: @therobotreport
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Why are robots roaming the campus of Oregon State University? | KPIC

Publisher: KPIC
Date: 2022-02-09T17:46:49 00:00
Author: Angelina Dixson and KVAL com Staff
Twitter: @
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Gold-medal performers: The Olympic robots of Beijing –

Replacing a human service provider with a mechanical one, the theory goes, reduces virus-spreading contact among humans. Robots are everywhere at the Olympics, in all shapes, sizes and varieties. At our hotel, a tallish white one with multiple arms plies the hallways, emitting mist.

In the Main Media Centre, a cousin of the Roomba scoots along the concrete floors with a dustmop. (That one feels like it’s following you sometimes.)

Publisher: Star Tribune
Twitter: @StarTribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

A new way to teach robots to drive – Axios

An autonomous truck startup called Waabi has developed what it calls “the ultimate school for self-driving vehicles” — one that requires humans to spend less time tutoring them on actual roads.

Why it matters: The more that autonomous vehicles learn to drive in the virtual world, the less time they need to practice on physical streets, which could be a safer, faster way to bring them to market.

Publisher: Axios
Date: 2022-02-09T11:02:03.930061Z
Author: Joann Muller
Twitter: @axios
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Micropsi raises $30M to retrain industrial robots using human demonstrations | VentureBeat

Did you miss a session from GamesBeat’s latest event? Head over to the GamesBeat & Facebook Gaming Summit & GamesBeat Summit: Into the Metaverse 2 On Demand page here .

As the pandemic places an increasing strain on the supply chain, manufacturers and warehouse operators are piloting — or upping their existing investments in — robotics technologies.

Publisher: VentureBeat
Date: 2022-02-10T15:00:00 00:00
Author: Kyle Wiggers
Twitter: @venturebeat
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

WATCH: Boston Dynamics Robots Dance, Drink Beer In Super Bowl Ad With Sam Adams – CBS Boston

BOSTON (CBS) — New England may not be in the big game this year, but Boston will be represented on Super Bowl Sunday- in the commercials. A game day ad features a new brew from Sam Adams, the Boston Dynamics robots and, of course, “Your Cousin From Boston.”

In a 60-second version of the advertisement, “Spot” the robot dog grabs and chugs a beer before partying with his other robotic pals.

Date: 2022-02-10T10:45:42 00:00
Author: http www facebook com CBSBoston
Twitter: @/wbz
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Humans and robots find synergy working at Hyundai Card factory

When you think of robots, what comes to mind? Big factory machinery or humanoids from a science fiction movie?

At the Hyundai Card headquarters located in the finance center of Seoul, employees and robots work together to create synergy. As a leading financial technology company, Hyundai Card has continuously increased robots within the work place.

Publisher: Robotics & Automation News
Date: 2022-02-10T09:10:27 00:00
Twitter: @MechatronixNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Robots Have No Place Filtering Creative Content, EFF Tells U.S.

The House of Representatives has inserted SHOP SAFE —a piece of legislation that would make it extremely difficult for any individual to sell things online and equally difficult for any online platform to compete with Amazon—into a 3,000-page trade bill.

Las Vegas—On Friday, January 7, at 9:30 am PT, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Executive Director Cindy Cohn and EFF Special Advisor and sci-fi author Cory Doctorow will present the creepiest, most privacy-invasive, and unsecure consumer tech devices debuting at this year’s Consumer

Publisher: Electronic Frontier Foundation
Date: 2022-02-09T15:28:21-08:00
Author: Karen Gullo
Twitter: @eff
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Squishy, biodegradable robots pave the way for sustainable electronics and 3d printing

Drawing on polling data across 34 countries, researchers were able to connect extreme weather to increasing Green Party support.

Such a bold transition would cut anthropogenic emissions by 68% by century-end, and get us more than halfway to achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Publisher: Anthropocene | Innovation in the Human Age
Date: 2022-02-10T15:00:39 00:00
Author: Prachi Patel
Twitter: @AnthropoceneMag
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source